After, literally months of effort (particularly by Elder Krumm - senior missionary, here) to have everything properly prepared , 68 Liberian saints left for the Ghana, Accra, temple. It takes 3 1/2 days to get to the temple from Monrovia. They will spend 4 days at the temple and then come home. This pictures shows Judy with some of the 27 saints who went from Bushrod Island District to the temple to be sealed as families.

This is one of the two buses that was used. This bus will carry 27 members - no air conditioning. The second bus (just like this one) will have 41 saints. They have to carry their own food and water. They will sleep on the ground or on the bus as they travel. When they get to the temple in Accra, Ghana, they will stay in housing at the temple grounds for four days and then make the 4 day journey back home. This temple trip would not be possible for the saints if it were not for the Temple Patron Assistance Fund. For many, it is a once in a lifetime experience to have the privilege to go to the temple and receive the ordinances of exaltation there. The Temple Patron Assistance Fund helps pay the expenses for members only the first time they go to be sealed.